City Impact Center – Computer Lab
American Safety Council / CERTUS (OSHA Safety and Forklift Classes) has migrated to a new on line system effective January 2025. The City Impact Center can no longer access student records in the old system. If you require a copy of your course completion certificate from 2023 or 2024 and are unable to access it, please contact:
An electronic copy of your certificate will be sent via email, after you provide the necessary details to locate your record and verify your identity to CERTUS. If you receive an electronic copy of your certificate from CERTUS, City Impact Center will be glad to print it for you at no charge.
If you are currently enrolled in the OSHA 10 or Forklift on line class and need technical assistance with login or passwords, please contact:
Fusion / Certus Technical Support At: 1-855-481-5553 or email them at: [email protected]
Funding for the City Impact Center Certification Lab ended June 30, 2024. We have a limited number of OSHA 10 and Forklift classes remaining in our inventory. If you have a PC, Laptop, or Tablet with internet access, you may still request enrollment in the online classes and take them at your location.
The email address link for class requests will be posted here when available.
We will continue to offer a limited number of on-line OSHA 10 and Forklift classes each week until the end of April or our until remaining inventory is depleted. Thank you.
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